Cole Rice

Thursday, January 21, 2010


I clicked through the list of blogs, looking for an interesting one to review. I laughed at the lolcats, salivated while reading the food blogs, and cocked my head to side at seeing how much better some people's homes are than mine. But none really appealed to me.

The last link I clicked on was the blog titled "TreeHugger." Here I was thinking to myself, man, another blog decrying global warming and the republicans, or maybe even a conservative trying to show that he has a heart. BORING. There are so many environmental opinion blogs out there that it's hard to distinguish them.

I can distinguish TreeHugger.

I can do so because this blog isn't just another opinion blog, where the author cites a bunch of articles and databases that I probably won't feel like verifying because it's only a blog and not worth my time. No, this blog has prompts for articles that report on new findings or studies that could be of some concern to the reader.

To me, the articles read like the articles of a respected magazine, such as National Geographic, and that greatly appeals to me. It implies the blog's intended audience is not the overly opinionated types who enjoy debates and arguments, but rather the intelligent layman who might watch Planet Earth. The content isn't dumbed down to better keep your interest or attract more readers, but rather the content itself is relied upon to attract the readers to the site, as the content interests them. The content stands on its own. At the same time, the articles are short and sweet, enough to give you information about the key players and important facts, enough to make you want to research more on your own. Thought provoking and makes you want to know more: isn't that what the rst of our media supposed to do?

One of the only complaints I have about the blog is the design. There are too many advertisements surrounding the articles, and the link system it has makes the blog seem cluttered. It makes it so that upon finding the blog, I don't really know where to click immediately to get more info, and almost doesn't seem worth the time to the hurried attention span of the internet surfer.

I think this blog does a wonderful job with its information and content. No wonder it has so many readers.

Or maybe I like the blog because its first article is about tigers :3


1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading this post because of its personalized style. I also thought you brought up a good point about the fact that media content should be informative and intriguing. Your description of the TreeHugger blog made me go back to take a closer look.
